How to Measure a Laptop Screen?

When buying laptops, size does matter, especially for the screen. Whether you're shopping for a new laptop, looking to replace a damaged screen, or simply curious about the specifications of your current device, knowing how to measure a laptop screen accurately is a valuable skill. In this guide, we'll walk you through the process step by step, ensuring you get accurate measurements every time.

Understanding Laptop Screen Size

Laptop screen size is a fundamental specification that significantly influences our experience with these portable computing devices. It is a crucial parameter for consumers when purchasing decisions and for technicians when replacing screens or diagnosing display-related issues. It's essential to grasp the concept of screen size and its implications to navigate the world of laptops effectively.

The measurement of a laptop screen is taken diagonally from one corner of the screen to the opposite corner. This diagonal size is typically expressed in inches or centimeters. While the number might seem straightforward, understanding how it impacts the user experience requires more insight.

One critical factor to consider is the aspect ratio of the screen. The aspect ratio represents the relationship between the width and height of the screen. The most common aspect ratios for laptops are 16:9, 16:10, and 4:3. A higher aspect ratio, like 16:9, results in a broad and shorter screen, suitable for multimedia and widescreen content. Conversely, a lower aspect ratio, like 4:3, yields a square screen, often preferred for productivity tasks.

Screen size and aspect ratio jointly determine the dimensions and visual characteristics. A larger screen provides more screen real estate for multitasking or immersive entertainment, while the aspect ratio influences how content is displayed.

Now, let's explore how to measure a laptop screen accurately, step by step.

Gather Your Instruments

You will need a few instruments to measure your laptop screen accurately:

A tape measure:

Choose a flexible tape, preferably in both inches and centimeters, for precision in measurement. 

A soft cloth:

It will help you clean the screen and remove any smudges or dirt affecting your measurement accuracy.

A notepad and pen:

Keeping track of your measurements will help prevent any confusion.

Power Off and Prepare the Laptop

Before measuring a laptop screen, it's crucial to adhere to the initial step: powering off and preparing the laptop. This seemingly simple step carries significant importance for various reasons.

Firstly, powering off the laptop is an essential safety precaution. When the device is off, there's no risk of inadvertently triggering functions or causing accidental damage while taking measurements. Keeping it unplugged also ensures you won't inadvertently damage the screen by tugging or pulling on any attached cables.

Secondly, cleaning the laptop screen at this stage is imperative. It might seem unrelated, but a clean screen is necessary to obtain an accurate measurement. Fingerprints, smudges, or dust particles on the screen can distort the measurement process. A clean screen ensures that the tape measure or ruler lays flat against the surface, preventing any irregularities in your measurement.

Furthermore, this step demonstrates a sense of respect for your device. Treating your laptop carefully and taking precautions ensures accurate measurements and extends laptop life. By powering off and cleaning the screen, you're showing your device the care it deserves.

Measure Diagonally

Now, it's time to measure the diagonal size of your laptop screen. Follow these steps:

  • Identify the starting point. Locate the bottom-left corner of your screen. This corner is usually the point where you'll begin your measurement.
  • Extend the tape measure. Gently extend the tape measure from the bottom-left corner of the screen to the top-right corner, ensuring it follows the natural curve of the screen. Ensure the tape measure is taut but not too tight, as this could damage the screen.
  • Read the measurement. Take note of the measurement displayed on the tape measure. This measurement represents the diagonal size of your laptop screen.

Record the Measurement

Pen down the measurement you obtained, noting whether it's in inches or centimeters. It's always a good idea to double-check your readings to ensure accuracy.

Understanding Aspect Ratio

Laptop screens come in various aspect ratios, which can affect the overall dimensions. The most common aspect ratios for laptops are 16:9, 16:10, and 4:3. These ratios determine the width and height of the screen relative to its diagonal size. For instance, laptops with a 16:9 aspect ratio will have a broad and shorter screen compared to a 16:10 aspect ratio laptop with the same diagonal size. 

Troubleshooting Tips

Measuring a laptop screen is usually straightforward, but there are a few considerations to keep in mind:

Be gentle:

Avoid pressing too hard on the screen when using the tape to prevent damage.

Measuring a bezel-less screen:

If your laptop has a nearly edge-to-edge or bezel-less display, you may need to measure from the visible screen area rather than the outer edges.

Rounding up or down:

Round your measurement to the nearest whole number if it falls between two numbers. For example, if you measure 13.7 inches, round it up to 14 inches.

Check the documentation:

If you can't measure the screen physically, refer to your laptop's documentation or the manufacturer's website for the screen size specifications.

Online tools:

In the digital age, where information is readily available at a click, there's a solution for nearly every task, including measuring a laptop screen. Online tools have a convenient option for those seeking an accurate and hassle-free method to determine screen size.

These tools typically involve visiting a website or using a dedicated application where users can input their laptop's model or specifications. They then retrieve the screen size data from a comprehensive database, providing precise measurements.

This method is handy when measurements are challenging, and you want a reliable answer without any guesswork. Online tools make the process effortless, ensuring access to essential laptop screen information in just a few clicks.


Knowing how to measure a laptop screen accurately is beneficial for anyone dealing with laptops, whether you're a tech enthusiast, a DIYer, or a prospective laptop buyer. By following the steps outlined in this guide and taking into account the aspect ratio, you can confidently determine the screen size of your laptop. You'll make informed decisions during laptop upgrades, repairs, or purchases. So, grab your tape measure and start measuring—it's time to unveil the screen size secrets of your laptop!



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